Why You Should Learn Python First

New programmers always ask what language they should start with and I tell them they should learn Python first. Here are some reasons to start your self-taught programming adventure with Python!
1. It has wide applications and is used in a variety of fields.
Python is used by computer scientists, data scientists, biologists, business analysts, physicists, and sociologists, as well as popular apps like Dropbox and Youtube. You can use it on all kinds of projects on all kinds of devices.
2. Python programmers have some of the highest salaries in the US technology industry.
Python programmers are only outdone regarding salary by those who use Swift. The average salary for a Python programmer is $92,000 a year.
3. The demand for knowledgeable Python programmers is growing.
More and more job openings for Python programmers are being created as the language grows in popularity, meaning that learning Python could very well land you a job.
4. It’s quick to code in Python.
In plain and simple terms, the number of characters you have to type to get something done in Python is much fewer than in other languages.
5. Python is easily readable for humans, making it beginner-friendly.
Python reads more like English than other languages, meaning that it’s easier to get the hang of the syntax.
6. Python has a vibrant community continually creating resources.
The amount of reference material, guides, and creations using Python is immense. This means that you can look at how other people are doing similar things to help you get started on your own program.
Also, check out all the coding-themed events on the Python homepage! And there is nothing quite like PyCon, a yearly conference for all things Python.
7. It has replaced Java as the most popular language being taught to freshmen at universities in the US.
If you were going to get a traditional degree, you would probably learn Python first. Don’t fall behind your college-educated peers by neglecting to learn a language that’s so popular!
8. It will allow you to focus on learning big-picture concepts instead of toiling over minutiae.
Unlike other languages, you won’t have to laboriously deal with confusing syntax. Instead, you can quickly create functional programs and learn the sort of stuff that will really give your knowledge a boost!
9. Its construction helps you master the basics of good programming style, like indentation and naming conventions.
If you learn Python first, you will be all set up to develop good programming habits that will help your code be clearer to human readers later on like always using indentation.
10. The curve to learn Python is gradual rather than steep.
You can pace yourself with beginner, intermediate, and advanced resources, and you don’t have to learn advanced concepts to create basic programs.
11. It comes installed on UNIX and Linux machines.
If your device doesn’t already have it, it’s easy to download.
12. The language is open source and free to use.
You don’t have to pay anything to get started learning Python!
What language was your first? How does it compare to Python? Let us know in the comments below!
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I have spent the last year coding in python. I’ve worked in Java and RoR and frankly I LOVE python.