How to win a Tesla by building a app

Want to win a new Tesla? is hosting a contest for developers to celebrate the opening of their new app marketplace.
If you aren’t familiar, is an amazing online Work OS platform where teams can manage their daily work. Over 100K teams use their product, and they just opened up their platform for developers.
They are giving away 180K in prizes, and all you have to do to enter to win is build an app for their new marketplace. The top apps across five categories will win prizes, including three Teslas and ten MacBook Pros.
The Categories

Not sure what to build? You can create an app that fits into the following categories: CRM, software development, construction and field workers, marketing and creative, and wildcard.
CRM stands for customer relationship management, which means you can build an app that helps sales teams better communicate with their leads or anything else that will help teams better manage their relationships with customers.
The next category you can enter is software development, which means building an app that software developers will love. has many users in the construction industry, so you can also build an app that will help people in the construction industry do their job more efficiently.
Their product is also popular with marketers and creatives (designers, content creators, etc.), so you can build an app that will help them as well.
Finally, if those categories don’t work for you, you can also enter the wildcard category, which means you can build any app you want that will help teams work together better.

Apps will be judged on four criteria: craftmanship, scalability, impact, and creativity.
Craftmanship includes your apps user interface and the quality of its UI/UX. The judges will also factor in how much it feels like a product, so make sure you familiarize yourself with their product before building your app. Luckily, monday is providing app developers with a free account, so you can check out their product for free.
Your app will also be judged on scalability, which means how well your app scales and your apps speed.
Next up is impact, which means how big of a problem does your app solve for users?
Finally, your app will be judged on how creative and unique your idea is.
How to Build a App

Ready to get started?
First, read all of the contest’s rules.
Next, sign up for a developer account, so you can get free access to their product.
They have great documentation, which teaches you how to build a monday app, and you can read here.
Then all that is left is to build your app!
You can also join the developer community if you have any questions.
Final Thoughts
I’m incredibly excited about this contest, and I am currently building an app myself.
If you haven’t landed your first job as a programmer, this is a fantastic opportunity to build an app in a brand new marketplace, enter to win a Tesla, and improve your resume. The cool thing is, if the monday judges like your app, they will market it for you. Imagine applying to jobs and being able to say you built an app that won first prize in a contest giving away 180K dollars in prizes?
If you are already working as a software engineer, ask your boss to see if they are interested in having you build a app for them. That way, you can get paid to work on a fun new project and get the chance to win a Tesla.
Normally, when companies (like SeatGeek) give away a Tesla, anyone can enter to win. In their last giveaway, over a million people entered to win just one Tesla. In this case, you have to build an app to enter, which means it is unlikely a million or even a hundred thousand people will enter, which makes this by far the best chance to win a Tesla giveaway I’ve ever seen. Plus, it is based on skill (how good your app is), not luck, so you have the opportunity to influence the outcome.
If you decide to enter the contest, send me a DM on Instagram and let me know what you are building!
Here is the link to enter the contest.
Best of luck!